Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Feature

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to take a second here to thank everyone for the reviews of all my one-shots and my on going story "A Second Chance".

You guys are all great and you're reviews mean the world me. I wouldn't write if I wasn't getting feedback, so thank you!

If you look to the side of my blog you will notice a fancy new playlist. I realize that I am forever mentioning songs that inspire me. Now, when I mention a song, I will add it to the playlist (if it's available) so that you can actually hear the song.

I may add a few of my favorite songs that have nothing to do with my fanfic, just to give you guys a glimpse of my personality!

A lot of you have also asked about if I have any recordings of me singing. I do, and I'm working to get them up. I've been informed that if I can upload them to a file hosting site, and then get a URL for the song, that I can put it on my playlist.

I'm trying, I'm not that great at computer stuff. So, it might take me sometime. But I am working on it.

Thanks again for all your support!

~*~ Amber (EricDreamer) ~*~


  1. You are so welcome amber. Remember if you need help let me know :)

  2. Awesome idea. Music always makes the stories come to life all that much more. As it does in every other facet of our lives:-) Keep up the good work!

  3. I love the new playlist! Great Idea!
